North Florence Heights Block 9 Card 2
NORTH FLORENCE HEIGHTS BLOCK 9 CARD 2.tif NORTH FLORENCE HEIGHTS BLOCK 9 Card# 2 Lots 4-6 and street closing adjacent-permit to Frank Antonicelli & Nina Rose Harmsen (1) to construct a 16-9" x 57' retail nursery bldg observind 3' front yard where 15' is required, replacing exi~ting non-conforming nursery and sunshade area permitted by Res. 9163 and c-6992, where residential uses are permitted; (2) to erect one interior illllllinated roof sign approximately 4o sq. ft. face area, overall height approximately 8 1 and 18 1 from grade- Lots 4-6 and street closing, at 1525 Ft. Stockton Drive between Palmetto Way and Randolph Street, Zone R-4 condl Case No. 10703 8-27-71---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Lotl. & 2- 'lhe z.A. has considered the req of Frank & Elsie Antonicel.l.i tor perm to.j. erect approx 2001 of 61 high cyllone fence to ecnl.ose nursery area, fence to obs 3' front yard and 31 street sideyd, where max 3' high fence is perm in req 15' front yard and l.O' street sideyd at l.505 Ft. Stockton Dr. and the southwest cor of its intersection with Randolph St. in the R-4 Zone; and has DENIED 3' SB along Randolph St., but APPROVED a 41 SB, APPROVED the req fence providing it is, Cond. 11.------------------------------------------------- c~~-----------------J.2~8~11_______