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Development Services

North Highland Park Block 1 Card 1

NORTH HIGHLAND PARK BLOCK 1 CARD 1.tif NORTH HIGHLAND PARK I",~.., BLOCK l Card #1 Lots 21- 22- "C" (Ord. 12889) suspended to permit veterinary hospital- Permit to John W. Andrews; El Cajon near Bancroft. Res. 59802 3-8-33 Lots 37- 38- R-4 (Ord. 12889) suspended for pattern shop; Permit to Fred R. Grummow; 4256_-_33rd_St._____________________________________ Res._61556___________ 4-16-34__________ Lots I- 4- Bldg Co. Build to property line on El Cajon & 33rd St. (SW); Permit to Olmstead Res. 50956 7-29-29 Lots 54- 55- Garage to house 2 small trucks & 3 salesmen's cars; owner agrees that garage will not be used for comm! purposes; Granted to Baldwin Cosgrove Paint Co; 3231 El Cajon. Res. 72159 9-3-40 Rear 50' Lots 11- 16- Permit granted Harry E. Weissberg to operate an auto camp for period of 18 mos. from date of Res., provid property is cleaned up & addnl toilet J faci 1 ities cons tr, & al 1 laws & ordinances be observed. (Expire 4-23-36). Res. 63900 allows addnl period of 18 mos. operation provided auto trailer ordinance complied with; otherwise limited to 12 mos. Res. 66313, 8-3-37, allows 5 yrs ext from 7-21-37.- 32655 El Cajon Blvd. Res. 62220 10-23-34 1 Lot 11-16- Condi permit to Harry Weissberg to continue operation of 10 unit trailer camp for duration of war. Res. 137 adopted 7-2-42. (United Investment Co, Owner)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------