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North Point #2 Card 1

NORTH POINT #2 CARD 1.tif -~ NORiH POINT UNIT #2;;(Lot 380 = Pardee Construction Co to erect 45 1 of O'- 6 1 high retaining wall observing 0' street side yd on Polaris Dr. where max 3' high wall is perm in req 10' street side yd, at 9102 Danube Lane, Zone R-1-5. 13929 NH 10-1-76 Lot 245- Pardee Construction Co to construct 60 1 of O'- O' street side yd on Polaris Dr where max 3' high wall is 9096 Danube Lane, Zone R-1-5. 6 1 high retaining wall observing perm In req 10' street side yd, at C-13928 NH 10-1-76 Lot 260- Permit to Warren G. Magill at 9019 Danube Lane, ZoneR-1-5, to maintain approx 35' of 5 1 811 and 8 1 of 61 811 high fence to obs 9' front yard in reqd 15' front yard. Condit C-16081 6/5/79---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 349- Permit to 8. R. & Milagros TRAJANO APPROVED by ZA to construct a 15' X ZO' rec- reation room addition to an existing single-family dwelling; addition to observe a 13 1 rear yard at the closest point where 20' is required, at 9111 Hadley Place, Zone R-1-5.J Conditions. CASE NO. 16364 10-18-79 ---------------------- Lot 232- AGREEMENT to GEORGE ENLOW to construct a second story master bedroom and bath addition with exterior stairway to an existing single-family dwelling, located at 9046 Danube Lane, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2964 8-16-83 Lot 223- ZA APPROVED request to construct a room addn. to an existing single-family dwell- ing; addn to observe a 16' rear yard where 20 1 is required at 11358 Pegasus Ave., Zone R-1-5, with conds. C-16239 7/24/79