North Shore Highlands Block 10
NORTH SHORE HIGHLANDS BLOCK 10.tif NORTH SHORE HIGHLANDS BLOCK l O Lot 2- Permit to The Dennstedt Co. to divide into 2 parcels to permit a single fam res on ea parcel; Condi; Law & Everts Sts. Res. 687 8-7-44 Lot I- Permit, Condl., to Jacob D. Mullis to use por of exist garage as dark rm for photo finishing, part time only; 1175 Beryl St. Res. 3150 5-19-48 Lot 1- Condl permit to Jacob D. & Isabel K. Mullis to use por of garage as dark rm; 1175 Beryl St. Res. 4478 2-23-50 Lot 1- Ext of 2 yrs (6-30-54) to Jacob D. & Isabel K. Mullis; Res. 4478 ABOVE. Res. 6440 4-30-52 Lot 1- Ext of 2 yrs (6-30-56) to Jacob D. & Isabel K. Mullis, ABOVE. Res. 8159 4-28-54 :.J., ,.,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-So 65 1 of Lot 2- Permit to Andrew Taylor to constr fam room and batn above exist garage witn separate entry to addn on outside of sin fam dwell at 4856 Everts St. Zone R-1-5, AGREE #1858 5-30-73 Por. Lot 2- Permit to Andrew Thompson Taylor, Jr. to const a 61 wood fence obs 0 1 st sd yd at 4856 Everts Street. Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-14649 NH. 9-21-77.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------