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Development Services

North Shore Highlands Block 11 Card 1

NORTH SHORE HIGHLANDS BLOCK 11 CARD 1.tif 'NORTH SHORE HIGHLANDS BLOCK lr f CARD #1 Lot 8- Request of Pearl E. White Sherman TABLED- tc lodge three elderly ambulatory person: in single frui~ly residence where a ~aximum of two lodgers are perrr.itted, at 1259 beryl st., Zone H-1-5. Case No. 6691 8-27-64---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 10- AGREEMENT #1673 to Mrs, Mary Longo to constr a liv room, bedroom and patio addn to exist sin fam dwell witn bar sink in liv room. A-1673 4-1~71 Lot 8- Pllrmit to Pearl Wbite tor peraiaaion to 1.111e property tor ruicleatial care~- tor five aged peraODII, ware ain fq ru 1.111e only 18 perm, at 1259 Beryl St betv:lverta an4 la:rJ!1~~~C}~~;:~t~~,:,~~)_-_1:Z~--~)!J~LIJ:f.fl______:~:::~--- Lot ~~Permit DEJIIED to Pearl Wbite to maintain a rea1dential patio addn to exist sin tam dwell; addn observes a l'-10" interior sic:leyard, were 4' is req; at 1259 Beryl St between Everts and J'anuel Streets. Zone R-1-5. c-10873 11-17-71 Lot 8- Amendment to C-10777 (10-1-H}-for-eermission to use property for residential care home for six aged persons, conditional. 1-18-77. Now Glen & Mary Martin. Lot l- Permit APPROVED by ZA to RUTHS. MC COY to conduct piano lessons, analysis, and music consultation Monday through Friday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., daily with some evening and Saturday consultation, located at 1203 Beryl Street, Zone R-1-5. Condit Ions. CUP 18166 9-23-83