North Terrace # 1
NORTH TERRACE # 1.tif NORTH TERRACE NO. l Lot 26, Permit to Chester A & Rita Howard, owners, &Davard Const. Co.,lessee, to erect & maintain one sing faced unlited 3 1x 5 1 directional sign advertis North Terr #4 at 5122 Limerick Ave,betw Arlene & Winthrop Sets, B--1, for 6 mos.N.H. Case 3972 3-24-61 v-------------------------------- Lot 18- Permit DENIED Mr. & Mrs, James F. Reid to maintain a 171-811 x 29 1-611 family room addn to the exist sing fam res; the addn to obs an 181-411 rear yard where a 20 1 rear yard is req, at 5316 Arlene St. betw Limerick Ave. & Rosecrea Ave., Zone R-1-5. Case No, 7038 3/15/65--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 18- Permit to Mr. & Mrs, James Reid to maintain a 17'8" x 29 1 6" fam nn addn to exist sing fam res a.ddn to obs 18'4" rear yd where a 20' rear yd is req at 5315 Arlene St betw Limerick Ave. & Rosecrea Ave, Zone R-1-5 condl.8 Case No. 7233 7/29/65-------------------------------------------------- Lot 23- AGREEMENT to Art Pfiznenmeier to constr addn to sin fam dwell w/bar sink in party rm at 5234 Arlene St., Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2288 8/4/77 '