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Northeast Clairemont #2 Card 2

NORTHEAST CLAIREMONT #2 CARD 2.tif Lot 19 Permit to Va. Jl. Janet N. Collllett to conair eocloaecl patio addo to rear ot exiat ain taa ree vnictl obe ll'-6" rear yarll; addo to ob8 6 1 rear yd were 20' 1a req, at. a.705 Mt. St. Bel.en' Way, Sly ext ot St. Zoae Rl-5. c..-..19 6-1-~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lou 1-J,.- ht to 3-30-65 peraitting o.. ODt Bl.4g Co. to 1ntaio ao4el ricaee v/ealu ott1CM in gar on Lot l v/one 2'x a. m 11.gll tor eacn aouee and 3' x 5' 1111g oe aal.ea otr1ce to be Ulel tor lliag llOIIH ill Clainaoot MeN orttl fl. Mol'lele located 0D Mt. ltciral Ave. IV cor Diane Ave. Zone R-1. C-5516 6-16-~ ~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 65 ~ Perait to Rueeell Blliott J'oee to coaatr 2-atory bedl'008I & ha na acldn to uiat ain f ree vtlicb obe approx 12' rear yd; acldn to obs approx 181 rear yd viaere aiD 20' N&r yd ia req at J,.713 Mt. St. Beleu Ct., Sly tanainus Mt. St. Helena Ct. Zoae!t-15 cond 'l. C-6986 3-ll-6,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 77- Perait DUI.ID to Albert J. & Maxine L. Saith to uatain 27'-6" x 3a. r roca a4dll to a:iat eio taa ree; a&ln ob8 7' rear yd vttere a 20' rear yd 1a req at 1'716 Mt. St. Belen' Vay, betv llt. St. Bel.ea' Ct llt. Cervin l)r. Zone R-15 C-7051 APPZAL GIWl'l'BD and ttle decidon of tb.e Z.A. owrrulecl cona 'l. li--7-65 5-13-65--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------