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Northeast Clairemont #2 Card 3

NORTHEAST CLAIREMONT #2 CARD 3.tif NORTHEAST CLAIREMONT. If? CARD #3- "' ' Lot 78- Permit to Jack A. and Barbara Van Dorn on the AMENDED request to constr 16 1 x 301 room addn to sin fam dwell; acldn to obs a 5' rear yard at closest point where 20' is req; at 47o6 Mt. St. Helens Way betw Mt. St. Helens Dr at end of Cul-de-sac. Zone R-l-5. Cond'l. c-11263 6-26-72 Lot 84- Permit to John & Judy Shepard to constr a 27' x 15' fam room addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs a 15' rear yard where 20' is req and fireplace to obs 14' rear yard at 4757 Mt. St. Helens Way betw St. Helens Dr and end of cul-de-sac, Zone R-1-5. c-11590 11-10-12 Lot 103- Assist Z.A. considered the request of William & Yolanda Morken to constr 15'x 26 1 family room addn to obs 13 '-6 11 rear yard where 20' is req, and fireplace to obs 11-6" rear yard where 20' is req, at 4814 Mt. St. Helen's Dr. betw Mt. Cresti Dr and Mt, Cervan Dr, Zone R-1-5, and bas DENIED as req, but APPR0ViD for a 16' rear yard with fireplace at 14 I c-11459 9-1272----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 5- Permit to Eugene and Alta Gnedron to install bar sink in den of exist sin:fam dwell at 4726 Mt. Royal Ave. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #1937 3-8-74------------------------------------------------------------------~---------------------- Lot 76- Permit DENIED to Bobby Joe & Charlotte Hensley, Sr. to constr a 14' x 26 1 fam rm addn for exist sin:fa.m dwell; addn to obs 1' rear yard (exist dwell obs 16' rear yd) where 20' is req at 4726 Mt. St. Helens Way, betw Mt. St. Helens Dr and end of cul-de-sac. Zone R-1-5. c-12050 7-12-73 Appealed to BZA- Appeal DENIED- 8-27-73