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Development Services

Nutt's Addition Block 2 Card 1

NUTT'S ADDITION BLOCK 2 CARD 1.tif NUTT'S ADDITION BLOCK 2 $(Card #l Lots 24- 25- Ord. 13094 suspended to pennit erection of signboard to property line on Fourth Ave, provided owner remove same when st widened; Agreement signed by Foster & Kleiser; Robinson & University. Res. 55914 2-16-31_Lots 7- 8- Bldgs to be at least 10' from front property line; Permit to T. C. Plumer. Res. 44535 2-14-28 Lots 22- 23- Setback suspended- (Geo. M. Todd) Res. 47393 10-8-28 Lots 26 to 29- Permit to Carl R. & Josephine M. Anderson & Francis E. & Pearl C. Pastore to remodel exist store bldg at 3852 4th Ave into 11 apts wino side yd. Res. 294 6-3-43 Lots 24 & 25- Permit to R. E. & Lillian G. Chenhall to move in store bldg w/apts above & make addns to store bldg w/store por to obs 0' SB; on cond owner sign agreement to move bldg back at req of City at own.expense. Res. 51.45 11-29-50