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Development Services

Nutt's Addition Block 8 Card 1

NUTT'S ADDITION BLOCK 8 CARD 1.tif NUTI''S ADDITION lot 5- Suspension of (ord 13163) to allow a Duplex 9'-6" 1st Avenue, DENIED to William H. Wilson. fies. CARD #1 fran P. L. on 70995 3/19/40 E 90' of the N of lot 9 and E 90' of I..ot 10- Permit to Clyde and Elaine Davee to convert a tv0-story, 1:ID-family residence into four living units with the exist 4'-5" rear yard and with 5'-3" be~ buildings, SW corner 3rd Ave and Ibbinson Ave fies. 3100 5/5/48 lot 5- Permit to William H. Wilson to install plurrbing fixtures in exist garage Agree #528 3/16/48 lot 5- Permit was DENIED by ZA to HILL-HIMELFARB CXNSTRUCTION, INC to maintain four-story, nine-unit apart:Irent building; construct of which resulted in (1) interior side yards of 2 '-0" for the parking structure and 7 '-0 11 for the dwelling portion \\here 10 '-0 11 are required for a four-story building; (2) 57% lot coverage where 50% is the maximlm pennitted; (3) front entry stairs observing 4'-0 11 front yard where 15'-0 11 is required and 2'-0 11 interior side yard where 10'-0'' is required; (4) ~re1,:tion of,-~ ca.~ination of fence and wall ta. p.JIEX.imum height of 12 '-011., observing 2 1'-0 '' '..;' interior side yard where 6'-0 11 high fence or.-Jall is i;:.ermitted;- q11d (5) fc;,ur. parking spaces being providoo in the rear where six had been proposed, resulting 13 off street parking spaces where 14 are required, at 3773 First Avenue~zone_F.-~ ~-:::.,..,._"..:---~c-:---.-~- ....--~~- ~;~.