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Development Services

Point Loma Heights ,Map 1106

POINT LOMA HEIGHTS,MAP 1106.tif POINT LOMA HEIGHTS MAP II 1106 " Lot 6- AGRE~MENT with Eva Fernandes, Michael and Diane Montgomery to const a 1st addn consisting of a bedroom, sitting room and bathroom with ext. f story and deck sec dl t 2 erior access rom garage bathr, 'thon Y. o const a nd story addn consisting of two bedrooms. sitting room and oom wi exterior access. Both additions have interior access to existin kitchen on 1st story, located at 3403 Russell Street, Rl-5000 Zone. g-------------------------------- AGREEMENT_#4852____ 12/28/90 Clove Street closure & Vacation between Blocks 1 & 2- Agreement with KURT VON PUTTKAMMER____ to construct a two-story addition to an existing one-story, single-family dwelling; said addition containing two bedreeoms, a stairwell, a hallway, with exterior access, on the first level, and a bedroom, den, full bath and second floor open deck, with no exterior access to the ground floor, on the second level at 3450 Tennyson Street, Zone Rl-5000. A-5591 Lot 12, CUP approved by ZA, JERRY CESAK requested story guest quarters at 4406 Santa Monica Avenue, C-21118 6/14/93 to construct a second Rl-5000 Zone 8-27-93-----------------------------------------------------------