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Pueblo Lot 1106 Morses Sub. Of P.L. 1106 Card 1

PUEBLO LOT 1106, MORSE'S SUB. OF P.L. 1106 CARD 1.tif Por. of Card # l of the a part g Por. of P. L 1107, Permit to R, H, Bond to move llingl& family frame residence from S:lf o:&e;~;?~~:r,~iO ate on same lot located at 1670 Camino del Rio. Por of P. L. 1106 & 1107- Condl permit to R. E. Hazard Con. Co, to const (quonset), open on one end, & set on 2' hig~oncrete block wall, on Cabrillo Freeway, R-lA.t.4L, / ec Le,,.._e'-- 1.,. ?- &s Case #985 40' x 40' wa.rehouse Friars Rd., east of 2/1/57}or:F,, L,. 1.107 2;:.J.J.oe, Tit1e Ins /:L proclu.ce stand wit-;h s1.1itable, (Has no\,;1 been rezoned to C--J A whicb ~ to construct Rio betv.J Cebri11o TABL1":iD, 7-10-59 Case: 26,31 n:::;n-co- ()l"., r