Pueblo Lot 1280 Card 4
PUEBLO LOT 1280 CARD 4.tif Por (Assessor's Arb#l-99-23)- Cond'l permit sin fam res, 0 1 st frontage, S. of Avenida de)\~51 to Mrs. Florence T. Lavender to div & la Playa & E. of La Jolla Shores Dr. Res.#4965 9-6-50 CA~D 4 r bu'i 1 ~ Por of- Ext of 6 mos. from exp date of Res.#4623 which amended Res.#4364, be granted to Harold D. Koontz & Mary L. Koontz & Robert S. & Edwina D. Bertschy, to div por of lot into 2 bldg sites without st front, with 40 1 & 60' easements. Res.#4991 9-20-50--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Por of- Permit to Reuben H. Fleet, own & Albin S. Nelson, pur to const gar addn to exist gar & to convert exist gar into rumpus rm, area of bldg approx 920 sq ft with 5' rearyd, at 2477 Avenida de la Playa. Res.#5617 6-13-51 Wly 300' of Sly 100' of por lying Ely of Torrey Pines Rd.- Permit DENIED to Cornlio, Ab & Ubaldo Rodriquez to const 18' x 40 1 pottery shop. Res.#5935 10-17-51 Por- Permit to Robert J. Hauk to const addns to res & alter gar to den on lot without st fr., on 10' easement, E. end of Avenida de la Playa. Res.#6048 12-12-51 Por- & por of 1286, 1288 & 1289- Permit to Jas K. & Evelyn Marechal, own & Joe L. Stanton, trustee, pur to erect 4 sin nam res on R-1 por of par, N. side Torrey Pines Rd., E. of Ardath Rd.- Res,#6791 9-17-52 Por 1280, 1286, 1288 ~ 1289- Amending Res.#6791 ABOVE to permit 3 units & por of 6 add'l units in R-1B, N. si Torrey Pines Rd. E. of Ardath Rd. Res.#6987 11-24-52------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------