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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 1281 Card 3

PUEBLO LOT 1281 CARD 3.tif---- PUEBLO L'cfr 12s1 ~~ l~ CARD.3 Par- Permit to Mrs. Margaret Harris Freeman to canst add to exist sin fam res on par(i split after date of orig zoning but before 12-5-54, where sin fam res {dwell) on lot of record at time of zoning is per. (par of p.1. 1281 & por of Lot 1, Compton Terrace, per legal desc. on file in the Zoning Div. of the Planning Dept. at 8486 El Paseo Grande, R-1 Zone. Case#5547 3-28-63 Par- Permit to Estate of F.W. Kellogg- to canst 12' high fence around tennis ct. obs 4 1 SB where max 3' high fence is perm in req aver. of blk 15' SB at 1900 Blk Paseo Dorado betw Roseland Dr. & Avenida Alamar St., Zone R-4, cond'l. Case#6795 11-6-64 Por- Permit to Estate of F, w. Kellogg to constr 12' high fence aroung three tennis courts obs 4' front SB where max 3' high fence is perm in req 15' front SB {no pole lamps), 2000 Sp~ndrift Dr betw Paseo Dorado and Avenue de la Playa, Zone R-3, C-12473 N,H, 2-21-74-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------