Pueblo Lot 1286 Card .11
PUEBLO LOT 1286 CARD.11.tif,,,-------- PUEBLO LOT 1286 Por- Permit to Grant & Mary Lee King tg const res on ~reel not having fr.:on ded. st., but served by 30' easement lRoseland Drive) & to erect gar 536 sq.ft. in area, having 0' side & rear yd., Zone R-1 Case No. 994 2-8-57------ ----------Por- Permit to Robert Iv. & Flornece B. Hadley to const addn to exist gar with l' SB, the addn to also observe l' SB, at 4 E. Roseland Dr. Case No, 1076 3-18-57 3------------------------------------ Por- Permit to Lionel Mayell-La Jolla Ent., Inc. to move in comb. sales & const office N side Torrey Pines Rd., 50' E of Ardath Rd., cond'l Case No. 1521 11-22-57---------------------- ------------------------Por- Permit L. L. & Lela Fbtomac to const single fam res & gar. on:i;:arcel having no frontage on dedicated st. served by JO' & 60 1 easement to Hidden Valley Rd & E. Roseland Dr. on N side of easement known as E. Roseland Dr. Zone R-1. Case 2998 12-18-59 2-- ~-------------------------------------------- Por- Penni t to Frank M. & Gertrude \~.Brennan to const bdroom & bath add & remodel exist kit w/no frontage but recorded ease app Case 3381 0-g-60 Por P.L. 1286 & 1288, Pel'lllit to S.D. Unified School Dist to move std portable classmhldg from 5371.l!ilectric Ave. to 2225- Torrey Pines, La Jolla BM #3581 9-28-60---------------------------------------------.t'or 1286 1 "'ermit to Morris & J:i.uth E. Bakken, Jr. to maintn addn to exist res add_obs 51 rear yd (20 1 req) at 7870 Calle Juela Case 3585 9-30-60 1 Permit to above to maintain 5 1-411 bi fence obs 3 1 SB on N & encroach approx 3 1 in pub r/w on Send, 7870 Calle Juela, R-1 Case 3584 9-30-60 P;r-: Pe~lt t; James_L_eitwioh to- oonst:retain-wall_4_1:all hf,-to-obs- 01_S_B_on Torrey Pines Rd(aver SB of blk-25 1)20~0 Tor. Pin~!s~d#rr3!o condl. 8_~i~6l