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Pueblo Lot 1286 Card N0.8

PUEBLO LOT 1286 CARD N0.8.tif,,----- PUEBLO LOT 1286 Por. (Misc. Map 136)- Permit to B. B. Beimple to const bdrm & bath ad.dn & extend. pres libr.___ w_:t~ is:_!"~a.~ ~ ~!.!e!_~a._D: ~ ~-J~l:,a_______ ~e.!._N.!._5_?8~__ 8:_22~1____ I Portion, Permit to Allen Mortgage Co. to move office bldg from 7931 La Jolla Shores Dr to 7961 La Jolla Shores Dr. (near Ardath Rd.) and convert to single family res. m~ Res 1193 9-18-51 Por 1281, 1285 & 1286, sho'l'ID as Lots 25 & 26 o,f Assessor's Map 33 & 33A- Permit to John S & Margaret Hamilton to const sing fam res & gar on ea of 2 par, NW side Avenida___ Alamar, a;eProx 110 1 N of Little St.__________ Res. No. 6244__3::5.::5E___ Por- Permit to Geo. A. McWilliams, Jr & Katherine McC., to conv exist carport to liv quar now att. to hotel, with 4 1 rearyd, Toa,rey Pines:Rd & Ardath, Res. No. 5354. 2/21/51--------------------------------------------- Por- & por of 1280, 1288 & 1289- Permit to jaa K & Evel.Jn Marechal, owners & Joe L. Stanton tra.atee, pur, to erect 4 sing fa.m res on R.-1 por of a pa:reel, H aid.a Torrq Pines:Rd.___,!l 9-f_Ar.,d!;.t'ta 1lcl.!.._________________ B,!s.!.. Jo!. i7il_____ i-!7:.5&____ Por- 1286, 1288 1280 & 1289- Amending Rea. 6791 above to pemit 3 units & por of Ei ad.d'l.___:!!D!t.!,!n_R::,1!,,_H_s!!_o!:rg_P!Jl,!s_R!,_E_o! Ar!a!h_B,e;.__ R,!a:.!o.!. .9.7__-:;.!l:::>!!;-2_2__ Por_ & 1280 & 1289 (por)- Pemit to Joe L Stanton, trustee, to const ij sing~= res with 15 rear yd (cond 11) N side Torrey Fines Rd. E of Ardath Rd. Res. No. 7036 12-10-52 p~~p;~it~OR-~ettt;~~td~f~~~~~~g~;~dp~m;~;;~qPi~;M~ & Rosele.nd Dr. illter. Res. No. 7125 2-4-53-------------~-------------------------------- Por- Permit to Bowe.rd Burne to maintain ez:iet res with 10 1 8 setback Oil La Jolla Shores--.Ptl~j,j)!_ ll.,51~~ftll.]!q_d.d.J.SQPi't.----- ~.!-..P2.-~-----___ lt::,'.1,:-5)___ Por- Permit to Robert & JaneCo:uway to erect sing fam res, 100 1 E of end of Roseland Dr, oil S side of 30 1 easement, with l.S I SB on easement. Res.Bo. 7433 S-27-5.3