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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 1286 Card.10

PUEBLO LOT 1286 CARD.10.tif 10 PUEBLO I.OT 1286 Por- Permit to Mrs, 0 R Barnett to div por into 2 par i:Y maintain exist res on one & erect sing fam res on 2nd par, 7866 E, Roseland Dr. Res. ~fo. 7586 7-8-53 PQr of P.L. 12SO, 12S6 & 1289- Condl. pemit t.o Allar" H. 'Ritwer, l,fgr of Rancho d.el Charm, Inc,, to maint. exist. revised & rebuilt 51 611 x 8 1 double-focecL neon sign, suspended betw 2 postsi oYerall ht approx 12' i 2200 Torrey Pines Rds, on cond. that the 5 xlO"- ~_ 2nnel on ton reading 11 Cocktz-ils-Dining"-be_-removed._ -_. Res. #8214___.. 5/26/5_4-~ Por o"" p T, "8h . r 0 ~. na-,-.~n~-..~ & 1 1,"n 'IP~ance~ IT'vl er-..,, 4.,.:...i;;-..:..'- '-' v,.,.,.L,,,_....._ J::''-'~,;;+,~-~-.1.,V_.__,,,,, c.. ~.:....::v~,,,,.,.,_",o.:. '"::._,'fT,.,O'_o 1 ~ v--,.~.,-~ c,c...:..,,,;:;.....,...... J purch.. 1 to d.iviCLe cL por of P~L;, 1236 into 3 parcel~~ & const snch as a,re:permitted uncler ord. & other laws of Cityt fro:o.ting on a rec., et?..8ement from Hi(iden Valley Rel.:'tes.?201 r;/26/;;,4---------.~.__-- ~--~ ~--w ~-~- ~,"_ ~----~-- ~~ ~"'" -~----- ~--_,,,,,_,,- ~-_,.--.,_- ~-_,.,. ' _,.cc:::.._--~ Por 12.80, 1286 u 1289- Allan H wl twer, Reho del Charro - to arnend Res. 8214 ABOVE & permit neon sign,,;Jacaranda Hoomll on top of exist sign Res. No, 8574 10-27-54