Pueblo Lot 1287 Card #4
PUEBLO LOT 1287 CARD #4.tif PUEBLO LOT 1287 1$ cARo-ilt+ / / Portion Permit APPROVED by ZA to CHRISTOPHER D. SICKLES to construct a guest house to(an/ existing bath house on a lot with existing single-family dwelling, at,7)92 Hillside Drive~ Zone R-1-40/HR. Conditions. C-17109 1-30-81,,_ Parcel 2, P.M. #8565, Portion (and also Portion of Lot D, Resub, La Jolla Hills #2} P~rmit was considered by ZA to CHRISTOPHER D. SICKELS to construct a single-family dwelling and guest house; (1) house observing a 0 1 side yard on the east (10 1 required); (2) attached deck observing a 0 1 side yard on the west (10' required); (3) guest house observing 5' side and rear yards where 10' Is required; (4) vehicular access across adjoining parcel (direct access to street or public right-of-way required) and; (5) where guest house is permitted by Conditional Use Permit only-, located In the 7400 block of Hillside Drive, Zone R-1-40. CUP and C-17595 4-9-82 DECISION: CUP was DENIED. Zone Variance DENIED as requested, but APPROVED (1) vehicular access across adjoining parcel where direct access to a public right-of-way Is required; (2) construction of a single-family dwelling observing a 0 1 interior side yard as shown on plans marked Exhibit A, dated 4/9/82. Conditions.