Pueblo Lot 1288 Card 3
PUEBLO LOT 1288 CARD 3.tif.-4\.'J-,-S Card No, t{J PermE to Leona Agnes Baker to divide a parcel of land in Pueblo Lot nto three bldg. sites, two approx. 1/2 acre in size, facing Ardath Rd., 1 approx. 1 acre in size, served by a 25 ft. easement, and permit single ~- res. on each Res. No. 350~ 11 3 48 r. of- erffiit to Frances immons to divide a four-acre parcel into two bldg. sites of approx. equal st. frontage aad according to one of two alter- nate ans submitted Hidden Valle Road. Res. 358.5 12 1 48 Por. of- Permit to Gladys E. Shaw Smith to const. sing. ram. dwelling, Hidden Valley Road. Res. 742-9-49 Por. of'- Permit to Thomas I,,. Connor to const. a sing.fem.res. on Hidden ' Valley Rd. Res. No. 4W+9 2-8-50 Por. of'- Permit to Ambrose S. & Victoria P. Churchill to const. a sing.fem. dwelling on Hidden Valley Rd. Res. No. 4450 2-8-50 Por of- Perm:it to J. Latimer, Ol!l?ler, and W. Canning, purchaser, to divide parcel split out of original lot into 2 pa.reels & construct l sin fam. residence on each, the rear parcel to have. 12' access to the street, Ely side of Hidden Valley Road approx 200 Sl;y from Ardath Rd. Res No 4975 9-20-50 Por. of- Condl permit to Bev. Theodore and Helen Bell, to const sing fam res on pa.reel split after zoning, (according legal on file) on So side intersection Bidden Val.lay Rd and private ext of Roseland Dr, Zone R-1; aridto excavate on prop, and fill, and move excess dirt from land. Res,f/,5024 110-26-50 Por of- Permit to Gibbons T. and Katherine B, Smith, to cut out a portion ~d build a sing fa.m res on approx. 9/10 acre, located on Hidden Valley Rd. Res,f/,5132. 11-15-50 J