Pueblo Lot 1288 Card #5
PUEBLO LOT 1288 CARD #5.tif Plr.l!IBLO LOT 1288 Por & unnumbered triangle SW- Permit to Geo Clarke Bose to const sing fam res on one Ac._ faciM._.on Higden Valle~ Boad__________ Res. No. 22:5,.6______...'.3-18-.5.J Por- Permit to Chas. &.Leith o. Ramsey t;O add 15'x26' liv rm to res, 2460 Ardat)l Rd.-------------------------- Res. No. 7614 7-22-53 Por- Permit to Harry W Axene, owner & W L Canning, pur, to erect res, on Hidden Valley Rd. approx 1200' S of Ardath Rd & Torrey Pines Junction Res. No. 7645 8-5-53 p~;--.:-P_e_rmi_t_. to-Wank c. &. iari-H . Banno1Cto--divlde 1.2 acre-i-rnto-20-ras;-;-- si tee DENIED12555 Ardath Rd. Res. f 77'![2253- Por- Permit to Jas H & Virginia C Knox to rediv por of 2 par & estab. new par without full at. frontage & coot addn to exist sing fam l"e81 2688 Hidden Valley Rd. Res, No. 7792 9-30-53_ Por- Pel'lllit to Frank C &Mary Harmon to div 1.2 ac. into 2 bldg sites & erect sing fam res on ea, one par with 251 fr on Ardath Rd., other with 25 ease to Ardath R4. Res. Ro. 7785 9-30-53. Por- Permit to Harry W & Wanda A Axene, owners & Frank & Frances Davis, pur to const sing fam res on por, Hidden Valley Rd., 1000' Sly of Ardath Rd. Res. No. 8019 2-3-54 Por- Permit to Jonathan w. Latimer to const res on par split after ~oning, on E side Hidden Valley Rd., S of Ardath Rd., Rel Res. N 9243 10-14-55 n_j