Pueblo Lot 1288 Card #7
PUEBLO LOT 1288 CARD #7.tif ~ Po~.UEB.-. ~:;:~~-:~. 8:...... Be "taonlnvffie ~o ""'U'".'""""!: Zil'5U''k;;:R::--1 i!d.-o"9'fe!IP paroei.-- '"'-. =!l!l...tJ732 ~ ~411-----~- j,---~----------------------------- I---7~ ' Por- Permit to Robe:t't_H.__ <%__EJ,izab_e~~-_E(f!'.gey to co~~t sing ram res with bal=---- cony obs 19 1 SB (2~ req), and fireplace obs 23,-8ff SB, o to 8 ret wall,-obs 5' SB; & (-E:-ase--47-12}-ta--e-ens-t-12 1-h-1---f.ene-e--a~-nd--t-e-rnls-e-t--a--s-s-ho-wn---J' on plans (3 1 hi f'e~ce_,!.n_SB_a_!'El~__ per,_&_max_.ltj.__ of_(:, 1 above average ad.1 grnd level back of SB is per) on Hidden Valley Rd betw Roseland Dr, end of st Z~ne-R-lB-~ndt-l.---- -----------------------_______case_4711_&471?___ 2-9-62---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...,_-_-._-iiili___.__,___,_-_.._-.,.._.m----..---..------------------------------------------P-0-~to Mrs. Ade-1-ai-d-e--~ea-r-ee.-oo--C-G-ns-t--ba.tla-a.d.dn--0-l'.l----W6St---s-i-de---&-he.drm-- addn on east side of exist sing fam res w.aich obs 5 1 sideyd where 10 1 is req. addns to obs a.T1-ya:req-at Z~lfrdatli Rcr.-7r::-i1r Zone.------------------------------CASE--N0-.-4941.--------$--18-62-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por-:--per legal on file- Permit to Miss Mary H. Marston to maintain_an exist 6t high grepeotake--f--enee,whl.~-1$ 1 fr0nt yd..whera a...lllS.JL.3--'-lligb fen ca:ls_perm. in. J;he req 20 1 fromt yd.at 2569 Adrath Rd., SE'ly of Hidden v'alley Rd., Zone R-1-10, Cond. 11.-------------- -------- case wo;-ao.3rN.~------ z.;.1.3;;.t,7 I-------~---------- r---------~---