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Pueblo Lot 1289 & 121290 Card N0. 3

PUEBLO LOT 1289 & 121290 CARD N0. 3.tif ~-- PUEBLO LOTS 1289 & 1290,----~~: AQ,...\y-0 Poi 1289- 6 mo. ext. granted to R. C. Watts to. erect sing fam res & barn on pai ser.vetl_ by__ ~~! 2,0~!a..e_f.!O!!!e~ ~t,:.,_(ge..._645.)_-'___ R~s.:. Mo.:.].1.5_0__ ______ 2-4=,5,l_ Por 1289- Pepit to Jae. S. & Jane Wilkinson to div into 2 bldg sites of approx 1/2 Ac ea,___ E Aide Torrez. Pines Rd_._ J.00 1 N of Ardath Bd.___ ResL No. 22'!!:J__-;_._ 1-18-j'.3_ Por P.L. 1289 & 1280- E"ermit to Joe L. Stanton to split out por & erect sing fem res served by 30 1 easement to La Jolla Shores Dr., in rear of Bcho del Charro on Torrey Pines Bd---------------_________..Ji~.e..!.o..1..2,3l;l.__-----___ 1.i:.1::.51_- 1 Por P.L. 1290- Permit to R L & Mary M Wintringer, Sr R L Wintringer, Jr. &:Barbara. Orth to const sing fa.m res on par fronting on private 801 easement (Ridge View Rd),Slilly side of easement, approx l mi. S of Torrey Pines Junction, on cond tha.t 40 easement a.lg___ l!W.11'_1,!n,!!.,to_b.!!,!e!.!_o_C!tz._________ R~sL loL 1.5.Q7________ .-10-5.J.__ I For of P.L. 1280, 1286 & 1289-Cond~Permit to Allan H. Witwer, Mgr of Rancho del Oha.rro,Ino. to maint. an exist. revised & t 51 611 x 8 1 double-faced neon sign, suspended betw 2 posts, overall ht approx 12 1, 2200 To~rey Pines Rd., on cond that the 5!a..O" panel on____ t_g;p readiJlL "Cocktails- Dining II be removed.____.... Res. #8214____ 5-26-2,4___ Por of P.L. 1290- Permit to Carroll R. & Gloria J. Hoeppner to const sin fEllll res on parcel____ SE_lit out after zoning.J. on Ardath Rd Exten._(Cohditional)._ Res.,fi,8232__ 6-2=..24 ' Por P.L. 1290- To mnend Res. 8232 for Hoeppner ABOVE & remove one condition, on Ardath Rd. Ext. Res. No. 8418 8-4-54------- Por P.L. 1280, 1286f11289- Allan H. Witwer, Reho del Charro- to amend Res. 8214 ABOVE f1 add sign, "Jacaranda Room", on top of exist. sign. Res. No. 8574 10-27-54-------------------------------