Pueblo Lot 1290 & 1289 Card N0. 2
PUEBLO LOT 1290 & 1289 CARD N0. 2.tif ru,'.,J:JLU L\JT.lL'jlJ &,..l;.::'.l.:S';I rd tfo. Por Pi. 1290 Ardath Rd; '::ondl perrnit to Fa:i.th Hr& Gier to.... ere_ct s.it:lg farn Res. No. 4320 Por PL 1290- Condl permit to Martha fam res, on 30' easemE11t approx 1/2 SEE BELlli. S. Handley to div into bldg site for sing mile NE of end of Ardath Rd. Res. No. 521 J-22-50 Por PL 1290- 6 mo. ext. to Res. No. 4521, ABOVE, -2,_ to Martha S. Handley. Res. No. 5015 10-4-50 Po t 1---------------- Por o~ 1280, 1286, 12$8 & 1289- Permit to Jas K & Evelyn Marechal, 011n1111rs, & Joe L Stanton, truehe, pur, to erect 4 sing:fam res on R-1 por of par, N aide 'l'orrey Piill!I s Rd ____-._o!!r~.!,h_R~-_________________ R!!,11.:.!o:.. ~al____ 3::.11-22___ P.L.1290- Permit to Dania E Sullivan to conat addn to exist res not having frontage on ded st. por of P.L. Ardath Rd extension. Res. No. 6877 10-1-52-------------------------------------------- P.L. 1280, 1286, 1288 & 1289 (pr)- Amendment to Rea. 6791 ABOVE Joe L Stanton, to ereot 3 uni ts & por of 6 add 11 unite in R-1:B, N s1 Torrey Pinea Ed, I ot Ardath Rd. Rea. No. 69g7 11-24-~2 Fo"' l~~;;~~i~\~5~~2~'3,r;e~ r ~ t;.::)~;/!~1~;~~ ~:~..;.~,,~t--~ s-~:s fq~I'~-~~i':J~~':__ '_~-v~:~=:2___