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Pueblo Lot 1297 Card #6

PUEBLO LOT 1297 CARD #6.tif PUEBLO LOT 1291,, ~CARD#-6 , Por- Request DENIED MoKellar & Wyer. a partnership. & Edmund V. Sawyers, owners. & Southern Calif. District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. puroh, to const church plant on par. on La Jol:h Shores Dr N ly of Camino del Collado. Zone R-ll\3. Case No. 5465 2-20-63 Por- ABOVE AEPEALED AND DENIED--Decision of Z.A. sustained & affirmed. Case No. 5465 4-1-63 Por- Permit to John R. C. & Lorna B. Morris to maintain approx 30 1 of grapestake fence varying in ht from 6 1 to 71-6 11 where 6 1 above adj ground level is perm, at 2356 Calle del Oro, betw La Jolla Shores Dr. & Calle del Cielo, Zone R-1-20, condl. Case No. '1494 '::- 11/16/65--------------------------------------------------- Por- Penni t DENIED to Horace N. and Dorothy M. Sampson to erect 36o' of 10' high chain link fence enclosing proposed tennis court of lot with proposed single family dwelling; por. of fence to observe O' rear yard where maximum 6 1 high fence is permitted in required 25' rear yard at southwest corner Calle del Oro and Del Oro Court, Zone R-1-20 Case No. 10709 8-30-71..----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------