Pueblo Lot 1297 Card N0.2
PUEBLO LOT 1297 CARD N0.2.tif PUEBLO LOT 1297 13 Card No. 2 For. of P. L. 1297- Permit to Harold-A. Mosier to divide a portion of P.L.1280 for one bldg. site to be servied by a 60 1 easement across a por. of P.L.1280 & 1297, to La Jolla Shores Drive Res. Nn. 2036 2/14/47 Por. of P.L.1297- Amendment to Bes. No. 2036 to permit Harold A.Mosier to divide a por.ot P.L.1280 & to constr.ga.rage & maid I s room & bath,pr1or to the residenc(provided residence is started within two weeks, parcel of land served b7 601 easement to-I.a Jolla Drive Bes. N0 2180 4/11/47 Por. of PL 1297- Being the South 100 ft. of Lot 4u of Assessor's Map No . 27. Permit granted to Joseph E. and Viola Mae Bush to erect a_singl.e family res. on por. of lot, 100 1 by 100', 100' of street frontage, E side of La Jolla Shores Dr., 150 1 south of Camino Del Collado. Res. No. 24o4 7 /30/47 Por. of PL 1297- Permit to Philip S. and Esther P. Dickenson to construct 11L" shaped ad.ditior to exist. res., add. approx. 72 rt. by 88 ft., and to contain new kitchen, old kitchen to be abandoned, 8307 Le. Jolla Shores Drive, parcel of land 300x732 1 Caretaker ou.arters to remain as at present. Res. No. 2440 8/13/47- Por. of ~L 1297- Permit to R. E. Senn to split out two parcels, 100'xl97' and 166'xl97', and const. single fam. res. on each, said property having no street frontage, but facing on private easement 60 1 in width,.E of L J Shores Drive, south of Camino del Collado. Re;:,. No. 2732 12/17/47 Por,..,.. 1. 12?~,,t> {::l'mit to:.; 0 tle? ::)esaute ,.- ury fr. :lwell. from 23 5 La Jolla-sh'~Dr. to"r507'71r.of-sa;me-a;d:-a:ress.-----BM-Re-s.--1.07 1- . Por. of Pt 1297, permit to Lytle P. Desautels to establish a res. on a parcel having 1001 frontage on LJ Shores Drive, between Camino d el Sol and C$mino deJ Oro.... Res. No. 2753,. 12/Jl/ '+"f