Pueblo Lot 141 Card 1
PUEBLO LOT 141 CARD 1.tif PUEBLO LOT 141. D.A. Loebenstein to subdivide a por- Res 43605- 11-14-27 Wly 25' and Lot A of La Playa Hignlands- Permit to Max and Harry Streicner to divide into 3 bldg sites according to plat on file in Planning Dept. to permit a sin fam res on each parcel; each par having access to publ.ic st by easement of 25' to So end of Gage Lane. Res 1146 10-25-45------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wly 25' and Lot A, La Playa Highlands- Permit to Max Streicher to divide into 3 bldg sites according to a pl.at on file in Plan dept.to permit a sin fam dwell on each parcel; each par naving access to a public street by an easement of 25' to tne So. end of Gage Lane. Res 1690 8-15-46 Wly 25' and Lot A, La Playa Highlands- Permit to Max Streicher to divide into two bldg sites to permit one sin fam res on eacn; eacn par having access to a public~street by an easement of 25' to So end of Gage Lane. Res 1690 overruled. 84~0 10-1-46 NE Cor- Permit to Edward P. Silva to erect sin fam res at 56o San Gorgonia St. Res 7793 9-30-53 SE Cor- Permit to Sally Louis to erect sin fam res at 430 San Gorgonia St. Res 7776 9-30-53