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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 142 Card 5

PUEBLO LOT 142 CARD 5.tif PUEBLO LOT 142 4'\ Card #tS Portion of Southerly half- PLANNING COMMISSION GRANTED a Coastal Develop- ment to Mr. & Mrs. William Gable, owner/permittee, to construct a 3,965 square foot single-family residence with a two-car detached garage, located at 3577 Silvergate Place, R-1-10 zone. CDP# 88-1311 4-6-89 Portion of- Pennission is granted to Oimers/Permittees to derrolish an existing one-story single family residence and construct a Coastal Develoient located at 3561 Silvergate Place, Rl-10000 Zone. Coastal Developrent 92-0380 8/5/92