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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 143 Card 3

PUEBLO LOT 143 CARD 3.tif PUIBLO LOT 143 E of S 518 1- Permit DENIED to Annie c. Robinson to convert exist bldgs---- + ~ S ilverg~te Ave. into Saint Francis Seminary (approx 15 to 20 students) Rea 324 7-8-43 E 466' of S 516- Permit to Bernard J. Heinz to divide into 2 parcels & convert gar on So. ar into livi uarters. Res 10 9 8-18-45 E 'of So. 277'- Permit to Don & Kathryn Hunter to resume the non-con:!orming business of retailing plants and snrubs on Silvergate Ave. just south of Pio Pico St. Cond'l, Res lo87 913-45 Por ~1.Pennit to Robert L. Artnur, owner and John C. Morris and Mil ten Hollen, purch to divide a por of said PL into 2 bldg. sites facing Rosecroft Lane, Ely of Catalina Blvd & ermit a sin fam res on each. Cond'l, Res 496 10-20-48 Por- Permit to D.M. Hunter to add l 'x 25' glass house & 0' x 0'lath house to exist non- conform bus of retailing plants & shrubs, adds to obs min setbacks at 510 Silvergate Ave.. Res 4142 9-7-49 Por- Amend to Res #4142 above to D.M. Hunter to add glass house 30' x 95;2' & lath house 6o 1 x lo8', 15' SB on Rosecroft Lane. Res 4195 10-5-49 Por- Permit to D.M. Hunter to split into 2 parcels & constr sin fam res on each, N side of Rosecroft Lane, approx 200' Wly of Silvergate. Cond'l. Res 4256 ll-2-49 Por- Permit to Dr. Norman c. Roberts to remodel kitchen inside res on parcel split prior to 12-5-54, 530 Silvergate Ave. Zone RlC. C-2923 11-13-59 Por- AGREEMENT to Tawfig & Richel G. Khoury to constr rec bldg w/bar sink addn to exist sin fam 530 Silver Gate Ave., Zone R-1-10 AGREE #2279 6/30/77