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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 144 Card 1

PUEBLO LOT 144 CARD 1.tif PUEBLO LOT 144 Card #~ Conditional permit for housing unit on portion of P.L. 144, Theosophical property for 2.E:ation. George W. Wood. Res. 172 2-3-42 Conditional permit for housing unit on portion =o--f_...P...,L..,_.-1""'4""'4..,..._Th...... eo_s_o_p_h_i_c_al_p_r_o_p_e_rt_y_f_o_r_t_h_e_ duration Outhwaite & Tracey Res, ll3 ~ 5-21-42 George W. Wood granted 6 months extension of time on Pre_v... i-ous-""'R"'"e_s_,....,N,....o-. ""1""'1--3""',-1"'"7""2-1""'92""'5_an_d__ 2228 to continue operation of "Woodlands" of Portions of P.L. 144, 145, 146, 182, and 193, 810 Catalina Blvd, Res, No. 2294 6-5-47 Estate of Geo, W. Wood permit to continue until 12-31-48 the use of the Theosophical Grounds located on P.L. 144, 145, 146, 182, and 193 at 810 Catalina Blvd. for temporary housing purposes._ Res. No. 3237 6-16-48 Estate of Geo. W. Wood permit continue until 12-31-49 the use of the Theosophical Grounds located on PL 144, 145, 146, 182 & 193 at 810 Catalina Blvd, for tmporary housing purposes only, Res, No, li73 3-9-49 Por of lots x 65, 103, 144 145 & 147 (as shown on map nn file in Planning Dept.) Condl permit to Rose Vollmer, Mrs. Geo W. Wood and Est. of Geo W. Wood, owners, and Ba:J:uao,,., /JtA University purchaser, to use prop to erect nee. bldgs for educational and housing purposes. and to make nee. repairs and alterations to exist. bldgs in any amt for educational & housi!!S Res, 4810.._7_-5._-... 5.. 0____________ Res. 4810 ABOVE amended to cut out l2A site for sing fam res by Rose Vollmer, por of P.L. 65 103 144, & 145 Res. No. 5982 ll-7-51