Pueblo Lot 145 Card 2
PUEBLO LOT 145 CARD 2.tif Pytet:o "(qi- 145 ~~ #'- Port of- Permit to Silas E. & Helen W. Gould to const sing fam res havin~o l~r fron bu+- served b rivate easement from Ladera St.- Cond 1 1 a roval Res. 2 1/10/ I Por. of lots 5, f03 I & 1- Permit to Rose Vollmer to cut out 12A site.& e.rect sing fam res Pt Loma art of old Thesoso hical Gr. Res. No. 6 11-6-51 Res. No. 4 10 amended to cut out 12A site for Rose Vollmer to erect sing fam res on por of Lots old Theoso hical Gr. Res. No. II--51 Res No. 5 82 ABOVE to be amended as to Item 5 2 Res. No. 6542 ABOVE amended to omit Item 6 Res, No. 6 7 10-1-52 y;: Por- Permit to Calif Western Univ to move in 3 bldgs on E side Pepper Lane betw Dupont & Lomaland Dr., R-1 cond'l Res. No 9237 10-14-55 Al)1ellded Res. 9394 11-9-55 Por- Permit DENIED to Helen W. Gould to const sin fam res on lot having no st front but served by recod easement said lot being split out after zoing but not pr~or to 12-5-54 290'5 of Ladera St. Case 7 I 9-1-56 PORS~PP.L. 5 10 145 146 182 19 California Western Universit C.U.P. 2466 7-22-59)_ AMEND CASE# 2~6 to allow relocation of house so proposed addn to exist cafeteria can be made. 9-if.61 Por. Lots 65, 146, 145, 193- PLANNING COMMISSION GRANTED a Coastal Oeve l opment Permit to POINT LOMA NAZARENE COLLEGE to construct a Coastal Development located at 3900 Lomaland Drive; Parcels 1, 3, & 4, PM 1889, Rl-5000 Zone. COP #89-0155 12-21-89