Pueblo Lot 170 Card 1
PUEBLO LOT 170 CARD 1.tif!!JEBLO LOT 170 \ Card # I- Sly 182' of Wly 278'- permit to Solon s. Kipp, Owner and James B. Johnson, purch to divide said parcel into 3 bldg. sites and constr a sin fam res on each, according to plat on file in office, most Ely cor of Silvergate Ave. and Dupont St., Cond'l. Res 2882 2-25-48 Sly 130' of Ely 240'- Permit to Dale Watts, W.P. Pierce & J.A. Blackstock to divide said par into 2 approx equal parcels facing Dupont St and permit sin fam res on each, providing 15' SB is observed on Albion, Dupont & Bow Streets. Res 3160 5-19-48 Por- Permit to Virgil s. Kipp, owner and Harold La Fleur and John Murphy, Purch to divide said parcel into 3 lots, 1 facing Bow Avenue and two on Albion St. land permit sin fam res on each. Res 3300 6-30-48 Por- Permit to Byron Kipp, Owner and Howard c. Smay, purch to divide a parcel into 4 equal lots, 2 facing Albion St and 2 Silvergate Ave. and permit sin fam res on each. Cond'l. Res 3301 6-30-48 Por- Amendment to Res 2883 to permit K~ K, Swenerton to constr a res with 10' SB from Silvergate at the NE cor of Dupont St. Res 3560 11-17-48 Por- ext of 6 months on Res no. 3301 granted to Howard C. Smay confirmation- Res 4362 (12-28-49 Res 36lO 12-15-48------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por- Permit to John M, Riley to div into 3 par and build sin fam res on each betw Bow & Albion, Nly of DuPont. Res 4880 8-9-50----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1~