Pueblo Lot 170 Card 2
PUEBLO LOT 170 CARD 2.tif Card # 2 PUEBLO LOT 170 E 108' of N 200' of SI y 330"- Permit to Carrol C. Thomp'son to cons sing fam res with I 0' rearyd at nearest point of the bldg., on Wly side of Gage Dr. 130' N of Dupont St. Res. 5304 2-7-5! Por. of P.L. 170- Cond\ permit to Alfred LoCascio to const sin fam res on parcel split out after zoning but prior to 12-5-54, on Gage Dr. betw Dudley & Dupont Case No. 590 7-2-56 Por.- Permit to Wm F. & Irene M. Couchard to construct sin fam res on parcel ~plit after zoning but prior to 12-5-54, on Gage Dr. betw Dupont & Dudle 1 Sts. Zone R-IC cond' 1 Case 915 12-21-56 Por- Tnomas & Katnleen Volle to constr game room,two bedroom, batn and utility room addn to exist sin fam res witn workbencn sink in game room at 3536 Dupont. Zone R-1-10 AGREE NO. 1740 2-25-72---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por- Permit to Stephen P. & Linda C. Oggel to erect 155' of 4' high fence and gate to obs a O' front yard and a O' street side yard on Gage Street.3502 Dupont Street. Zone R-1-10. Conditions. C-15239 NH. 8-2-78, Por- Stephen & Linda Oggel at 3502 Dupont St., Zone R-1-10, to constr a 612 sq. ft. garage with hall, stairway and recreation rm and 2nd story of garage addn to an exist 2-story, SFD; additions to obs an 11' rear yd. Condit. C-16046 7/3/79---------.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------