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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 173 Card 1

PUEBLO LOT 173 CARD 1.tif PUEBLO LOT 173 1 Card #I- if'-:12 of the N 1/4- To Robert Gordon &Barbara Hill Sharp- divide & permit the erection of a single fam res, a por of- land approx 116' x 232' in size with access to property by a 30' private dasernent from Sly end of Bangor St. Res. 1641 7/18/46 r.a;:-:;-;~:-;-;;;:-:;-;:~:-~1;-:-;:;;;;-;~-;~:;~-~:-;-~;:;~;-~:-;;:;~:~;-;:-~:~i~-:-;:;:---- t the S. end of Bangor St west of Rogers St a parcel of land without frontage on a dedicated St. only access to property by a 30 1 easement. Res. 1745 9/12/46 fi;;-;;-;~:-;-1;4-=-;:;~-:;-6-;,:~-;:-~~;:;;-~:;~:~-;-;:;;;;:-~~ii-;~:;~-;:-~i~i~:-;-;:;;i;----- erect1on of single fam res., a por of land approx 116' x 232 1 in size, with access to property by 30 1 private easement from Sty end of Bangor St. Res. ao17 1/30/47 fE-ii;-;-~-;;:-:;-;-ii;:-:;-;~-ii4-:-;:;;i;-;:-~;~;~:-;~;:-4-;:;::i;~-;-~:;;i;-;~~~i:-;:;-;:;--- on each to Margaret W. Bancroft, Winfred R. & Ethel L. Goddard, Winfred R & Edwina T. Goddard, Jr. and P.S. Packard, all parcels to be served by easement 50' wide from Stine to a point 115 1 Non prolongation of San Fernando St. Res. 3678 1/26/49 W 1/2 of S 1/2 of N 1/2 of P.L. into 2 bldg sites Edgar B. Hervey, pur, & erect sing fam res on ea, Bangor & approx 120' S of contin. of Chas. St.- Jack & Jacque I ine D. Cri.vel lo, owners & the res on rear par to have 5' rear yd; E of Res. 7616 7/22/53