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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 174 & 175 Card 2

PUEBLO LOT 174 & 175 CARD 2.tif PUEBLO LOT 174 & 175 Card No. 2 66 1 wide por of P.L. 174 on private road, Armada Road- Permit to J.M. & Fay Perry, near, Rogers St. Res. No. 1413 3/28/46 '--~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por. of P.L. 174- Permit to Charles E. Walker to divide said parcel into 2 bldg sites & constr single fam res on each, said parcel having no frontage on dedicated St. Wly side of ext of Armada Terr. Approx JOO' north of Rogers St providing legal yard & setback requirements are obs. Res No. 2673 11 /19/47 Por- Permit to Sylvan Baranov to constr single fam res, said parcel having no street frontage but served by private easement which is the exten of Armada Terr. Res No. 3672 1/26/49 Por.- Permit to Syl;,,,a1F8aranov to constr res with 15' setback from center line of private easement, and garage with 26' setback (no rear yard) & fence & wall 12' hi which will be 4' above adjacent grade, wall to be approx 125' long, on undedicated exten of Armada Terr. Nly of Rogers St. Res. No. 3682 & 3684 1/26/49------------------------------------------------------------------i'S~----------------------- Por.- Permit to Woods A. & Martha A. Caperton, Jr. to erect sing fam res, car port for 2 cars & sing car gar. Res. No. 3727 2/23/49 Por. P.L. 174 & 175- Permit to Ernest & Alice C. Schiefer to erect sing fam res with O' setback on Rogers St approx 105 1 W of Rosecrans St. Res. No. 5184 12/13/50--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por, P. L.-174-& 175 ~-Permit-to- Ernest-& Alice C, Schiefer to erect sing fam res with 9' rear yd- above location. Res. No. 5183 12/13/50----