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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 174 & 175 Card 3

PUEBLO LOT 174 & 175 CARD 3.tif PUEBLO LOT 174 & 175 f 4 CARD NO. 3. Por- ZA considered request of KENNETH L & PATRICIA B. GREENE- 1) to constr. a 36 sq. ft. kitchen addn to an existing SFD: ADDN wall (under existing overhang) to obs. a 0 1-611 front yd.' where 15' is reqd.; addn to include a bay window projecting into public right-of-way; 2) to constr. a 4 1 611 hi retaining wall with a 0 1-8 11 brick wall above; walls (replacing existing walls) to obs. a O' front yd and project 6' into public right-of-way where a 3' hi retain- ing wall with 3' open fence above is permitted within the 15' front yd. located at 3016 Rogers St., Zone R 1-5000, but had DEN I ED as request, but APPROVED l) to cons tr. a 36 sq. ft. kitchen addn to an exisitng SFD observing a 6 1 front yd. where 15' is reqd.; 2) to constr. a 4 1 611 hi retaining wall with an 811 brick wall above walls replacing existing walls to observe a 0' fronc yd & project 6 1 into public right-of-way where a 3' hi retaining wall with 3' open fence above is permitted within IS' front yd, with conds. C-18664 12/21/84