Pueblo Lot 1774 Card #10
PUEBLO LOT 1774 CARD #10.tif PUEBLO LOT 1774 Ca rd #10 \ i Por- Permit to John B. & Judith K. Allen to const a 10' fence for an unlighted tennis court, obs a O' side yd and obs a 10' front yd at 6251 La Jolla Scenic-Drive South. Zone R-1-40. C-14661. 10-25-77.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por- Permit to John R. & Patricia A. Morse to erect 190' of 12 1 high tennis court fence: (1) fence to obs a 0 1 rear yard; and (2) an 81 side yard with the concurrence of the abutting property owner prior td Issuance of a building permit. Tennis court is to be unl ighted.6121 La Jolla Mesa Drive. Zone R-1-40. C-14943. 3-15-78. P~;ti~~-~f-E~;t-tt;if-~t-w;;t-tt~,t-~t-NE-ii4-;t-NE-ii4-:~P;-;;it-APPRoveo-by-zA:-t;--Mi~h;;i--- s. & Carol Lynne GROSSMAN to (1) to maintain 3-5.5 1 high pillars and erect approximately 150' of wrought iron fence 5' high observing a 4 1 front yard on La Jolla Rancho Rd. where a maximum 31 high fence is permitted In a 25 1 front yard setback; (2) to maintain existing tennis court fence and free-standing fence adjoining to the south observing at the closest point a 4 1911 street side yard setback on La Jolla Scenic Drive South where a maximum 3 1 high fence is permitted in a 20 1 street side yard, at 6100 La Jolla Scenic Drive South, Zone R-1-40. CASE 16372 NH 1-4-80 Portion- AGREEMENT to Joel & Carolyn Apigian to construct a cabaKa addition in rear of existing single-family dwelling with a bar sink in the caba~a. at 1660 La Jolla Rancho Road, Zone R-1-40. AGREEMENT #2524 1-14-80