Pueblo Lot 1774 Card #11
PUEBLO LOT 1774 CARD #11.tif_,_____ J PUEBLO LOT 1774 CARD #11 Portion of the W 1/2 of the NE 1/~- Permit APPROVED by ZA to MICHAELS. & CAROL LYNNE GROSSMAN to instal I eight 18 1 high, 400 watt, super metal arc lamp tennis court I ights around i an existing tennis court observing a 4'-9" street side yard setback on La Jolla Scenice 1 Drive, South, permitted by Variance C-16372, at 6100 La Jolla Scenic Drive South, Zone R-1-40 Conditions. CUP 17683 7-9-82 West 1/2 of North 1/2 of East 1/2 of Northeast 1/4- Permit was considered by ZA to DR,. MICKEY SHAHON AND MARSHA SHAHON to construct guest quarters observ Ing a 6 1 interior side yard, and fireplace observing a 5 1-611 interior side yard on the west side where 10' is re- quired, on a lot with an existing single-family dwelling and existing detached garage and guest room with bath, at 1650 La Jolla Rancho Road, Zone R-1-40, DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED the detached guest house, observing the 10 1 required side yard. Conditions. CUP 17853 f 12-10-82 Lot 6- Permit APPROVED by A2A to BARRY M. AND JONNIE D. SOPER to replace approximately 60 1 of existing 6 1 high solid fence with new 6 1 high stucco wall with 6 1 high columns at the entry with lights on top and with 5 1 high sliding gates across each entryway; gates and wall to observe a 01 front yard where a 3 1 high fence is permitted., located at 6260 La Jolla Scenic Drive South, Zone R-1-40. Condition~ C-18217 NH 9-30-83