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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 1774 Card #2

PUEBLO LOT 1774 CARD #2.tif PlJ EBLO LOT 1774 Card No. 2 S(.,. East 1/2. of NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4- Pennit to Ray H, C rimmel, Jr., to divide said parcel into/+ building sites, 2 facing.... a Jolla Rancho Road and 2 with- outst. frontage, but sarved by private JO ft. right-of-way, and permit a single fam. res.::,n eac~ see. res. for easements renuired .;,ee.Jet- Res. i-Jo. 3566 11 17 48--,....,,...,e""'n,-,-...,.e...,.n-::=t~t-::-o----i,--::-e-::-s-.-m"o-=-.""""'l':i"Tlri'"'.::a:i::-:o:-::v:-:e~-=m:-::e-=r:-::'e...-:-:y-tro=--ca::=:n="'g=:e::'-it:i:::-:e~r.::e:"::g::':::a~-=t-:::o--=t=e~~;:;-;:;csi=--r/~ of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4, Ray H. Crimmel, Jr. Res. No. 3 94 12 1 48 East l 2 of the NW l 4 of the NE l 4- Permit to W.J. Loeltz to redivide said parcel into 4 lots, two fronting on LJ Rancho Road and 2 served by private easements, and permit sin le fam . res. on each, see res. for ease- ments re uired. Res. 618 12 1 8 of the oft e E ~- erm t to ar c ermann, r. to re vi E said parcel into 4 lots, two fronting on LJ Rancho Road and 2 served by easemen~s, and permit single fam. res. on each, see Res. for the easemeents required~ Ras. 3619 12/15/48 Por- Ext. of 6 mos. to Res. No. 3594 (above), to Rayi H. Crimmel, Jr..- Res. No. 3640 4-20-49 Por- Ext or 6 mo. to Res. No. 3840, which extended Res. No. 3594, which amended'Res. No. 3566 ABOVE, to Ray H. Crimmel, Jr. Res. No. 4240 10-19-49 5~J:?r- Permit DENIED to Robt. & Louise w. Loomis to erect stable & stcrage,~ldg, 5' rear yard, 1660 La Jolla Rancho Road, Res. No, 4,253 11-2-4;9 Por- Robert Loomis, appeal filed on Res. No. 4253 sustained & permit granted. ABOVE. Res. No, 95871 11-22-49