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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 1774 Card # 6

PUEBLO LOT 1774 CARD # 6.tif CARD #:.--6 PUEBLO LOT 1774 ta... E 160' of NE of SE of W-} ofN-}, Permit to Lawrence W. & Beatrice S. Bramwell to const. freestanding arbor add. 80 1 v 81 obs 14 1_rear yd {25 1 req) on parcel split prior to 12-54 at 1655 La Jolla Rancho Rd, R-lA Zone, Cert. of Survey be filed. Case 2821 Case 2822 9-18-59 Por. Permit to Marvin K. Brown to const 111 11 patio 81.,. 64 1 & 12 1x 24', obs 31 rear yd{25'req) & maintain 6 1 hi redwd fence on 31 retain. wall at 6181 La Jolla Mesa Dr. R-lA Case 2909, Case 2910 11-6-59------------------------.------,------------- Por.- Permit to Robt & Lucretia uoldsmitb, purch & Harold H & Dor. D. Utschig, o-wners to add. to & alter interior of kitchen & bath of exist sing fam res at 1671 La Jolla Bancho Bd, Il,-lA eond' 1.on parcel Case 3247 ~-.$-il+,-------------..1.--------------- For- Permit to Norman L. & Artemis D. Cobb to const sing fam dwell on par recorded after date of orig zoning but prior to l.2/5/54 on Por P.L. 1774 per legal description on file, on North side La Jolla Scenic Drive, 200 1 east of La Jolla Mesa Dr., Z-one R-lA. Case No. 6367 3-26-64 Por- Permit to Norman L. & Artemis D. Cobb to maintain 121-8 x 521 grape arbor, on a par with sing ram res, obs 7' rear yard where a.30 1 re yd. is req {C-6367), north side of La Jolla Scenic Dr., 200' east of La Jolla Mesa Dr., Zone R-1-40, condl. A.mended to delete Cond. #1 {1/29/65) Case No. 6849 12-14-64