Pueblo Lot 1774 Card 8
PUEBLO LOT 1774 CARD 8.tif PUEBLO LOT 1774 Card$ 8 \ Per- Application of James & Barbara McDaniel Wl'mDRAWN (per LWE) to cq'nstr a bedrm_ addn to a sin fam dwell; per of addn to encro 4 16" into req 10' side yd on westerly per of lot at 1650 La Jolla Rancho Rd., between Buckingham & La Jolla Mesa, Zone R-l-40. c-9817 11-18-(10 i,~;-:-z:A:-b.;;-~~~ Iae;ea-iiie-;equest-or-:-F:-&-i:-c:-Maiicti~s tei--r or-pent to-c i J- cons tr a sin fam dwell, pool, cabana and tennis court on lot without street frontage but served by a 20' recorded easement, where 100' of frontag~ is req.(2) erect a 12' high wire fence around tennis court obs a 10' rear yard where a max 6 1 hi fence is perm in a 30' req rear yard; at La Jolla Rancho Rd betw La Jolla Scenic Dr South and La Jolla Mesa Dr. Zone R-1-40 and nas APPROVED (1) of tne request and DENIED (2) as presented, but APPROVED a 15' rear yard for ttJ.e tennis court and a 12' nigh fence. cond'l.--~--~2L-::-_fu:> u~__ <{:._2_:.~3:-~_fJ.j_/j_~-~~:..-l:..Z~-~Z-12-75 Lot 1774- Permit DENIED to Dr. Jack C. * Mrs. Marilyn Sue Francis to erect a. 24' x 7' x 13' high roofed decorative entranceway on lot w:I. th existing sin fam dwelling; entrancem to obs-5 front yard where 25' is required at 1790 La. Jolla. Rancho Road Betw. La Jolla. Mesa and La Jolla., Scenic S. Drives: Zone R-l-4o case No. 10757 ~ 9.}.5-71---------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------- ABOVE APPEALED- BZA DERIED appeal aod the clecision of tb.e Z.A. be and hereby is sustaine:laancl affirmecl. Case Ro 10757 ll-8-71