Pueblo Lot 1774 Card N0. 1
PUEBLO LOT 1774 CARD N0. 1.tif---- PUEJ3LO LOT 1774.------tying N ana. W of La Portion of NW of SE i of E ~ of N}. Er:e.ct a single-family residence in Zone R-l- -~ ~ Card No. 1 ' \ Jolla (cenic])rive. I Res. 70940 Mar 12 1940 Permit to c. w. Rodecker, 730 So. Gramercy Dr, Los Angeles. P/L 1774, NE of NE of the E of the N (e:x S 63 1) Res. 70939. ' 3/12/40 Erect single-family residence in Zone R-1. Permit to c. w. Rodecker (efCe~t t~e s 7 1 & m 25' thereof} Via of NW-t of~ of N of P.L.177Jl.- Permit to Fred w. & Florence M. Mack to constr. a single family residence, south & west of La Jolla Meea Drive,north of La. Jolla Ba.ncho Rd. Res. Ho~ 1497 'lj/25/46 S 631 of mi of D of If of Bi (en.the ily 25' & the B 821 of SW of D of El- of!t (uc.the fly 25 1) Oolld'l permit to Jolm B. & Beatrice L. Wilson to erect one sing.tam.res. a parcel of laD4 305 1s 11J5 with no etreet frontage but with 25 1 easement as acce11 to a public atl-eet Bes. Bo. 2100 3/13/1!7