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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 1779 Card #1

PUEBLO LOT 1779 CARD #1.tif '.PUEBLO LOT 1779 41. \?,S CAP.D #I Por 1786,78 & 79- {Tentative Lots 328 to 337 & 362-366) (Tentative Pacifica #5)- Permit to Ardee Builders to erect a sin fam res with att gar on each lot & use for model homes for a period not to exceed l yr., on proposed Alto Cerro Circle, Wly of l'acifica Dr., Zone R-lC where sin fam dwell on lot or par of land a min of 10,000 sq ft in area of record at time of zoning is perm, condl c-5226 9-28-62 Expired- Removed from files 11-5-64 Por P.L. 1776 & 1779- Permit to Marview Investors, Lt. to const maint & operate a planned unit develop proj consisting of 250 living units, together with related uses located north, south & westerly of Soledad Mt. Rd., east of Soledad Rd. & southerly of Palomino Circle, see appendix B. for legal 171-PC 11-1-68, I Portion of the SW 1/4- C,0,C, APPROVED by ZA to WILLIAM A. GOODIN, owner, for a Certificate of Compliance #279, and has determined that the issuance of such Certificate of Compliance would not be contrary to the public health and safety, and Is prepared at the direction of the court to Issue such Certificate of Compliance to establish as a legal bui!ding site, lying westerly of the westerly 1 ine of Soledad Road, at 5574 Soledad Road, Zone R-1-10, Conditions. coc 279 8-24-81 (LITIGATION)