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Pueblo Lot 1780 Card #2

PUEBLO LOT 1780 CARD #2.tif P!JEBLO LOT 1780 l\ Card 2 ftprtion, Permit to John W. & Doris Hewitt to construct addition to exist res observing 7-ft/ side yd (10 1req) at 5435 Soledad Rd, Zone R-lC. add obs all yd req. Case 2144 11-14-58----------- Por Permit to Mgt. M ~ '!-fuit; t~-c;n;t-sin-f~-r;s: & ga;.-o; p-ar-ca""l-split-p;i;r-12-5-54, 54.35 Soledad Rd, R-lC zone. Case 2920 ~-1,.....,,.-sh1/1,o 11-6-59 P:r.- ic~~ ~- l'~~l~s- Gle; Co~ to-~; r;si~e-o; Lots- 2~:,;~~~;;;:~~\-to~e; ~th-;ale~ off I iu gar on Lot 4, witll one 18x 24" sign on each model, one 6 1xl0 1 sign on Lot l{denied 4 1 xs: sigu ou sales off) to use "'ot 25 as storage compound, al 1 for 1 yr to expire 11-25-60, 1 W side Soledad ad, Zone itr-lC, Sales off sign max 15 sq.ft, all on tent,tive Muirlands j'~len Unit ~0 1. Case 2940 11-20-59 (Aw;ndm;nt to-u;e-r;sici:n~;s-o; Lo-t; 21~22,23-a;;odel h~e;;ith-s;l;s-off-i~;a;;n-..,;t-22 with one 18"x::!4" sign on each model, one 6 1x 10 1 sign on Lot 21, & one max 15 sq, ft. Bel.lea off sign, a use "'ot 25 as stor cCK11pouud for 1 yr, ail signs back of Srl!/ on l'I side J:ldlia to expire l yr- 11-25-60, M11irlands "len Unit 11b. l Case 2940 V-io;tio;_-_-P~~it- to-K~~;th-L-&- Elis-;_beth- Giddi;g; t;;o;;t-s t~dio- &~-ath- (~ith bar s:ink) addn over arage attach to exist sing ram res,exist5o~s 6 & 621 side yd; addn to obs 62 1 side yd(9.1 1 req} 5445 Soledad Rd, R-lC,condn: addn match exist res in all respects. CASE #4407 9-29-61-------------------------------- ~'