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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 182 Card 2

PUEBLO LOT 182 CARD 2.tif Dt CoDd permit to cape Cottage Boaea, Ille. to-.ill 8 x 12' aign advertiai.Dg aubdiviaiom of Necliaa Terr ColoDial Nuor, car Bill Catalina. Rea. l'o. 4578 4-5-50 Por ot lot. nm to be known Iii &8 Midi Terrace,- CoD4 perllit to Cape Cottage 110M Inc. Lot.a 15 tbrll. Zl, Blk. l thereof, to erect. 7 model hoaea, permit. to expire at cor ot cat.&Una St. Ii ' St. with RN. Bo. 4578 Estate of Geo W. Wood, permit to continue until. l2-3l.-49 the use or the 'lheosophica:l Grounds, located on PL J.44,145,J.46,182 193 at 810 Cataliria mva.. for temporary purposes only. Re&#3736 3-9-49-~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------N-250' of South 267.80 1 of E-115' exc st- Permit to Cape Cottage Homes, Inc. to const 3 demonstration houses to be used as tract offices in proposed subdivision of Col.onial. Manor, 1.,000 mock on catal.ina mvd.- Cond'l. Res#4527 3-22-50-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------