Pueblo Lot 183 Card 2
PUEBLO LOT 183 CARD 2.tif PUEBLO LOT l.83 Por- Permit to Ebbe Bre1in, owner, JMB Dev Co., 1essee, to use as parking 1ot in connec with market in R-c zone, at Catalina IU.vd., TaJ.bo & Ca.non Sta., Zone R-1. Res#9175 9-28-55-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por- Appeal of John Fischer from dee on 9175 AFJ:NE to Bre1in & JMB Dev Co,, DENIED & Board of Z.A. decision sustained. Res. No.c.c. 129343 l0-27-55-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por- Permit ot E.A. Bre1in & JMB Dev Co. to cover an add'1 2800 sq. ft. of ground area, at C&talina, Tal.bot & Canon Sta, Cond'l Res#9346 12-21-55----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 mo, ext. to Res. 9346 ABOVE C-458 5-4-56----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FIIIAL 6 mo. ext to Case No. 458 ABOVE, to.. elin & JMB Dev. Co. 12-13-56 Por of P.L. 183- Permit GRANTED to Don J. & Irene A. Vaughn to const sin tam res on parcel split out after zoning bw: prior to 12-5-54, on Albion betwn Tal.bot & Jennings, Zone R-1 C-1114 4-8-57---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For P. L. Ebbe A., Eric A. & Staunton E. Brel.in, owners * Jl9 Development Co., leesee, DENIED request to sell packaged liquor but APPROVED to sell packaged beer & wine, Cond:i. 955 C&talina Blvd., R-C zone C-2557 6-12-59----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------