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Pueblo Lot 190 Card 1

PUEBLO LOT 190 CARD 1.tif PUEBLO LOT.190 CARD #1 f Por- Permit to Elizabetn Agnew, Fred E. Smitner, pt, Loma Holding Corp., owners and ./Presbytery of L.A., purcn to constr and use bldgs for cnurcn purposes, NE Cor Talbot and Canon Sts. Cond'l.. Res No. 7534 7-8-53 Por- Permit to City of S.D., owner and Pt. Loma Little League, lessee, to constr and maintai 3 little league baseball diamonds witn dugouts, restrooms, bleacners and refresnment stands W side Canon St betw Talbot and Verona Sts. Zone R-1. Cond'l. c-3464 8-5-60 BZA APPEAL- Appeal By R. Binns, decision of Z.A. modified and amended, permission granted for two Little League bb, etc witn 16 conditions. 10-7-60 Ext of time to exp 12-15-62 (5-2-62) Ext of time to exp 12-15-63 (5-8-63) '1 r, r, '1 II 12-15-64 (' 3-20-64) II II '1 It II 12-15-65 (1-8-65) II II II II II 12-15-66 (12-17-65) r, II II It II 12-15-67 (11-16-66) II II II II 11 12-15-68 (1-2-68) II '1 II II II 1215-69 (11-15-68) 11 11 11 11 " 12-15-70 (11-7-69 AMENDED (7-16-70) II II II II II 2-1-71 (12-31-70) r, rr It II r, 12-15-72 (12-15-71) 11,, " " " l- <._,s-7~ (j,;-15- 72.,) Kxt of time to exp 12-15-74 (1-3-74) " " " " " 12-15-75 (12-18-74) '