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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 212 Card 1

PUEBLO LOT 212 CARD 1.tif PUEBLO LOT 212 212 Por of & Por of Lot B- permit to to const_l6-story 156-unit apt, SI Jackson, Kelley, White, Huntington, gar, cov 100%, 0 1 SB & yds C 4069,4070 5/22/61--6- m-;n-th~-E;t-.-t-;-abo""ve-. to-;xp.5--23-62-CASE-#-4069 &-4070----12-13-61-----'!..-.'..'__,,_-!,_(-_:__,,_-/'..//_-e <..!$:::.6?-_--- 4--------------- Por- Pennit to Kon Tiki Investors, c/o Harry G. Jackson Co, to const four 32-unit apt dwellings on par, a corner of each to obs S rear yard, where 15 1 is req, West Point Loma Blvd. betw Mentone & Rialto Sts, R-4 Zone, oondl. Case llo. 6117 11-27-63-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Ext. of 6 Mos. to above C-6ll7 to exp. ll-27-64. 5-22-64----------------------------------------------- Por. per legal description on file- Pe:nnit to the City of San Diego, owner, Harry G. Jackson, Wilbur S. Kelley, R. Lee Huntington & Ric~ard B. Huntington, lessees to maintain the exist park lot for apt complex located immed adj to the; parking being supplemental to req parking, at 4444 West Point Loma Blvd. betw Famosa.Blvd. & Nimitz Blvd., Zone R-4,,; Cond 11.. C.U.P. Case No. 8250 8-9-67 (Parcel Map 7420) Portion- Permit to The Whitney Development Company APPROVED by ZA to erect 108' of 6 1 high open fence across the driveways observing a 10 1 front yard where a maximum 3 1 high fence is permitted in 15 1 front yard, at 4534-76 West Point Loma Blvd., Zone R-4. Condit i onS. CASE NO. 16408 NH,; /fmem/:J, J/-f () Clnnh-1"'__,d_f'~ 9-~ 5- 6'LA-- Af' to f\Pp[Q_.,__,g~g1 "~-~- h~ c; 1-1 o 1'_&19-\~~ ~__ \J_-t;;-~''t)_ 10-15-79