Pueblo Lot 219 Card 1
PUEBLO LOT 219 CARD 1.tif t.:~~~.. 7 --~--,:,c-:'.":70::~c5:?'f'.":~''c~r~,:,.~~.~~:,~-ca~ i. J "'":c.:,.~. of Lota 1 & a- Permit to Roaooe:I~ Hazard ana z. T. Bale to build.,) operate aDriTe-In Theatre, with approx.800 car oapaoity, at W-1 Pt.Loma Bl Td. & Kid.way Drive,provided 25 ft. is dedioated for; 1;he widening of Ollie Street & the property be fenced and~ landscaped. Res. No. 1806 7 /5/46.!'or. of I.oto l le 2 Appeal froa 4ec1aiea et Zoab.g c.. 1 ttee ia gnaUq ff.l'iance to penU I. luart at L!. Ila.le to ltu114 A operate a Drtw-J:a '-lN at Weat Jloiat liua. JI.ft 6 ll14~ hS.TO 4.aied & cleoie1oa et Zeaiq Coattt.. aata1u4 ltJ' o.c ._._ 1371, 7/23,-6 Per.cf Lote 1 6 2- Pel'llit to L Jfasari. 6 1.f.llalo to oontr.a 10 fe11ae oD I.Point J,e,aa nft.,101 alone; 11149a7 Dr,,,, alone 0111 st. A OD the n,, ltewa4arJ'. Bee. Jro. 1909 11/21/~ fit. if Liti I 2 liiii&ia\ le &a. to. 1,0,. (a'&,.,.) gna\il \o L I. lasarl..a: Lt. Bale to eoaetnot a fence 20 ft. ia laelpt al port1oaa et ~ preperty, 8 &,, tor otiler nntea,....... 99,110/'fl Por. of Lots l & 2- Amendment to Res. No. 2509 (above) granted to R. E. Hazard and E.T. Hale to construct a fence of plaster over wire for 16' in height along portions of this property, 6 1 and 9' for other portions. See Res. No. 2612 10/22/~7 Por- Lots 1 & 2- Permit to Shure Theater Corp. to erect snack bar & rest rooms in MidWlcy' Drive-in Theater, Midway Dr & 'f. Pt. Loma:Blvd. (& S.D. Elec. Right-ot-'fa.r) Res. No. 702~ 12-10-52