Pueblo Lot 239 Card 1
PUEBLO LOT 239 CARD 1.tif ff,c-;~:-;T.;~~....... . ~.,--.-' 7""""..: -..-. 1.('c~ 10." 1., 1 f.Portion of PL 239 ~ To construct a Mive-in restaurant at the SW oor o. 1_/ Midway Ilr & Rosecrans::lt, 100 1 back from Rosecrans St. (Grd.34NS) 1 Granted to Charles J. and Pearl M. Brown,3005 r.aaway Dr,:'tes.73700,3 25 41 jJ erm DENIED J. J. Lyne, way Dr. o con:uc un ra er camp on ptn. or P.L. 239 & Lots 1,2 1?4 & 25, Westlawn. Res. 76764, 4/28f!l?. ' Cond11 ps2mit to rran"~ F. Fausi; to eract & operate a drive-in restaunant and atge bldg. in connection ther~with, in connection with and as a part of the present business of Nip" ~uck Restaurant at 313.5 Midway Drive on a ptn. of P.L. 239 Res. No.1089 9/131/45 Por.- Permit to D.R. Parsley to erect a height at 3166 Midway Drive; fence ed iron or painted . c:rorrugated iron rence 8 ft. in to be constructed of new corruga1 Res. No. 1185 11/8/45 D17 2501 of DlT 2551 except streets- Perait to lberhal't leen to 'bu114 & operate e441tione to a non-conforming drl.Te-la restauru\ on then corner of Ki4WT u4 v ltecraa l\net Be Jfo. l~ 3/29/146 For.of p.L.239 aw of Midway Dr.~ n:ot Riley st.-Permit to oonetruot a 13':x: 351 add.to exist.Eleaning Plant at not more than 10 employees Res. N0 1820 Frank Faust to 3187 Midway Dr.; 7/5/46:Por. P.L.239- Permit to 1rank: r. 1aut cfe Herbert C. Xelly to conetrnct & operate 111niature Golf Course, 3135 Mitw,q Dr.,tlll.bject to cerw.in conditions Bes. lo. 1730 S/29~6