Pueblo Lot 242 Card 1
PUEBLO LOT 242 CARD 1.tif """':'""-r- ~---C,~)".!''~='7::.,.,.,...7;r--T >. ' PUBBLO LOT 242--- ' ~wtr.-~1-...-4 '., I S 94.30 ft of the N 317.18 Ft Res, 71752 I i l Jul 9,1940 I Permit to Melvin Miller, to conduct a 3-unit Auto-Court and a 8-unit Trailer-Camp.,west of s..Eleotric Railway Co,tracks,on Midway Drive. Permit to JaJT,es B. & Hazel M. Cope, 3632 Midway Dr. to operate killing room in connection,rith raail poultry market, on portion of P.L. 242. Vari~nce to Ord. 32NS, for 2 years. by Res. 74064 1 grantea Uay 6, 1941. Permit to T. J. Fenn & J.K. I' t 1ieson, 904 E. 8th St. National City, 'to build 10 unit auto court & 90 unit trailer camn on portion of P.L. 242 on Midway Dr. provided area landscapPd & fence~ acc;rding to plans okayed by PC.. Res.. 73927 1 granted ADril 22, 1941. SE17 94.3 rt. ot the NWl.7 317 ft.or the SWly q.83 rt.- Cond'l Tentative approval to make an add.-ot'9 trailer spaces to an exist.Auto Cou:rt or 5 cabins & 8.trailer spaces, 37}4.Mldway.Drive. Res. 846 & 847 2/15/45 SEly 94.3 rt. of the NWly 317 ft. of the SIily 483 ft.- Extension of 90 days on above resolutions, Melvin D. Miller Res. 959 5/25/45 SEly 94.30 rt. of the NWly 317 ft. of the SWly 483 rt.- IHH Pel'lllit to erect & operate 7 add'l auto court units to existing 17 un1t 1 tr,1ler pk. and 5 unit auto park,~734 IUdway Drive Res. No. IU2o 7 19 45 I